Entities Overview
Entities are individuals, business entities, or organizations that may be given access to specific OWCP case files. To be an authorized Entity user within OWCP's ECOMP portal, each user must register and be identity verified within ECOMP.
Some Entities are granted access to claimant files based solely on the claimant's designation of representation. These Entity types include attorneys/law firms, union representatives and non-attorney authorized representatives.
Other Entities have access to case files by virtue of their pre-established connection to a specific case. These Entities include Employers/Carriers in the Longshore program, which have access to case files only if they are associated with the injury claim. These Entities can also designate a representative, such as an attorney/law firm or third party administrator.
Once assigned, Entities have the ability to navigate within ECOMP for associated cases.
ECOMP provides access to the following Entity types for the FECA and Longshore Programs.
For the Energy Program (DEEOIC), ECOMP only allows access to the designated authorized representatives and/or their staff, as designated by the authorized representative.